The Filmtec Dow TW30-1812-100 is a drinking water reverse osmosis membrane element.
Advanced membrane technology and automated fabrication in the Filmtec reverese osmosis membrane allow these elements to deliver consistent performance for all customers.
Filmtec drinking water RO elements are rated at 50 psi and will purify about 20% more water than competitive elements rated at 60 psi.
The Filmtec TW30-1812-100 has extra fast recovery and high production flow rate.
Dow Filmtec Part 170102.
Dimensions: 1.75" W x 11.75" L.
Maximum Operating Temperature: 113°F (45°C).
TW30-1812-36 P (psig) Flow Rate (gpd): 50 psig 100 gpd (Permeate flows for individual elements may vary +/- 20%).
Maximum Operating Pressure: 300 psig (21 bar).
Maximum Feed Flow Rate: 2.0 gpm (7.6 lpm).
Maximum Feed Silt Density Index (SDI): 5.
Free Chlorine Tolerance: <0.1 ppm.
pH Range, Continuous Operation: 2-11.(Maximum temperature for continuous operation above pH 10 is 95°F (35°C)).
pH Range, Short Term Cleaning (30 min.): 1-12.
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