

Smead Manufacturing Company

Smead Manufacturing Company SMD14201 Classification Fldr- Psbd- Ltr- .4in. Roc- 2 Div- GN

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  • Shipping Cost (lower 48): $7.74
  • SKU: SPRCH22045
  • Asin: B004V4O9YO
  • Manufacturer Part #: SMD14201
  • Qty Available: 262
  • Shipped By: 3 days
  • Stock: In Stock

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Product Description

Protect your documents and fingers with Smead's patent-pending SafeShield Coated Fastener Technology - the solution to fastener issues, including papers tears, finger cuts and excessive fastener crinkling. The cover has two 2" SafeShield Bonded-style coated fasteners in positions 1 and 3. 2/5-cut tab is right of center. Tyvek gusset expands 2". The cover is made of 20 point PressGuard heavyweight Pressboard stock with a special coating to resist moisture and stains. Cover is made with 30 percent post-consumer material. This extra durable classification folder also features dividers with 1/3-cut tabs and 17 point kraft construction. Each divider has one 1" SafeShield coated twin-prong fastener.