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For over 40 years has been dedicated to providing the highest quality products at the lowest prices. We strive to be the most reliable supplier in the equine and pet supply industry.
Prozap Fly-Die Ultra is a hard-hitting, long-lasting water-based formula that protects horses from stable flies, horn flies, house flies, horse flies, deer flies, face flies, gnats, ticks, lice and mosquitoes, including those that may transmit the West Nile virus. This sweat and water resistant formula binds to the hair shaft providing up to 14 days of protection even after heavy workouts and rain. In the pasture, on the trail, or in the show pen, Prozap Fly-Die Ultra protects your horse rain or shine. Apply 1 to 2 oz. per animal daily. Can be applied by either a soft cloth or a fine mist spray.