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Foundations is the foremost supplier to child care centers and hotels in the US.�More major hotel chains and child care chains specify Foundations than any other brand.�They focus their product development on high use commercial environments where safety, ease of use, durability, and comfort are paramount.�All Foundations products meet mandatory safety standards published by the Consumer Products Safety Commission as well as all voluntary standards published by ASTM.�Additionally, Foundations ensures that all their products meet the CPSC CFR 1633 Fire Standard.�You can rest assured when you choose a Foundations product that it meets the highest expectations.
Provide guests with the supplies they may have left behind with Foundations' Diaper Kit. Each kit contains one medium-sized diaper, wipes, paper liner and disposable bag. Use it with your Foundations Diaper Vendor - sold separately. Great for daycare centers, children's stores and play places. This package contains 80 kits.